




The film opens on a deafening and frightening note, with drumbeats and bizarre shrieks piercing the air against the backdrop of a panic-stricken atmosphere. The next scenes take us to the happy, relaxed aura prevailing on a fishing boat’s deck in the Pacific Ocean, where such merriment is brutally attacked as the ocean changes colour, as men get blinded and terrorised by the most destructive nuclear weapon in the world. The blinding bright light witnessed by the sailors was the “pikadon” or the “flash-boom” (atomic explosion) witnessed by survivors (Brothers, “Japan’s Nuclear Nightmare: How the Bomb Became a Beast called Godzilla”).  This drew parallels to the fresh attacks US had inflicted on the crew of a Japanese boat, Lucky Dragon 5, fishing in March of 1954, painfully awakening the post-war nuclear fears among the Japanese people (Martin, “Godzilla: why the Japanese original is no joke”). Though allegorical in context, and making no bones about the atomic disaster in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Gojira runs on secrecy and a struggle against conscience. The internal conflict pervading in a lone scientist who, accidentally creates a weapon of catastrophe and a monster of destruction, and a palaeontologist who uses his surface casual objectivity to mask his real curiosity regarding the resistance of the monster to radiation, are the secrets running parallel in the depiction of the original Godzilla (Brody, “The Secrets of Godzilla”).

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