




电影的音效设计被导演给予重视,这说明当我们看到这部电影。它捕获的真正本质的电影。例如,在开幕式现场,一群狗显示运行对着镜头,电影的声音设计师使用102种动物声音轨道(兰德斯曼 & 柏尼特,2011)。这包括声音的狼、老虎、狗、狮子等等声音设计师特拉维夫Aldema做了很棒的工作保持电影的背景音乐的主题根据主题和声音设计赞美我们看到的画面在屏幕上。




The film opens and closes with depressing colors of yellow orange and black (Harsin, 2009). Even the sky is shown as yellow and this matches with the overall feel of the animated documentary. The rest of the movie is shot using all the colors which would be expected in a normal animated movie, but the colors are not as vibrant as in any other animation. The color of the movie goes well with the dark theme and it feels like we are watching a documentary. The colors are dull and the characters too are also not drawn with much detail.


The sound design of the movie was given much importance by the director and this shows when we see the movie. It captures the true essence of the movie. For example, in the opening scene where a pack of dogs are shown running towards the camera, the sound designer for the movie used 102 types of animal sound tracks were used (Landesman & Bendor, 2011). This included sounds of wolves, tiger, dogs, lions etc. The sound designer Aviv Aldema has done a wonderful job in keeping the theme of the background music of the movie according to the subject and the sound design compliments the visuals we see on the screen.


The ending of the film is the first time in the movie when we see real people. The ending shows the agony and pain of real victims and people who have lost their limbs, eyes and other body parts or have died in the tragedy. It shows the real footage of mothers who have lost their children and family in the massacre (Mansfield, 2010). The ending shows the agony of the people who actually suffered. This is the place where the animation ends and the director shows the real pain and suffering of the people who went through the actual event.

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