








Indigenous Person: These are those Australians who are from Torres Strait Islander or Aboriginals and are the members of the Aboriginal race of Australia. These people are the descendents from the inhabitants of Australia before the settlement of Europeans in Australia. They are accepted by the community to which they belong and live.

Here the topic of discussion is about the history of indigenous Australians since the period of British colonization. It will provide views and challenges on the social, cultural and political issues face by Indigenous Australia. Issues related to contemporary identity and its representation of Indigenous Australians. The discussion is also related to the early colonist race theory and its impact on indigenous identity through non-indigenous constructions of identity of Indigenous Australians. Lastly the societal misconceptions about indigenous Australians are also discussed. The data collected for this discussion is from varied sources such as journals, articles and free sources available online.

Europeans invaded Australia between 1606 and 1770. As per an estimate Europeans made contact through 54 European ships. As per historic estimates approximately 750,000 people from more than 500 indigenous nations inhabited in Australia. The Colonist took the land as ‘terra nullius’ i.e. no one’s island which was named as Australia by Lt. James Cook on his voyage around the coast of Australia in 1770. The Indigenous Australians culture had developed for 60,000 years and is famous as the most ancient living culture of the world. All the indigenous groups have lived in close relationship with their land with the custody of their traditional country.

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